Akinlade Olamilekan Olanrewaju
Lecturer II
B.Agric.Tech, MAgSE, PhD in view
About Akinlade Olamilekan Olanrewaju
Lecturer II|B.Agric.Tech, MAgSE, PhD in view
Animal Production Technology
National Diploma & Higher National Diploma
Research Interest
Monogastric Animals, Poultry and Ruminant Production
Teaching Areas
Poultry Production, Principles of Animal Production, principles of Bee Keeping, Pasture and Forage Crop Production, Livestock farm Practice, Introduction to Animal Husbandry
Selected Publications
- Akinlade, O. O*., Sangosina, M. I., and Okusanya, P. O. (2024). Effects of administration of aqueous extract of Justicia carnea (plume plant) on growth, carcass and blood profile of broiler chickens. Nigerian Journal of Animal Production, 50(5) 2023
- Okusanya, P. O., and Akinlade, O. O.* (2024). Performance of Cockerel fed aflatoxin contaminated feed. Nigeria Journal of Animal Science. 26(2):
- Okusanya, P. O., Akinlade, O. O.,* Leramo. O. O. and Lawal, R. A. (2024). Awareness of farmers on effects of aflatoxins in poultry birds. International Journal of Women In Technical Education and Employement, 5(1): 139-148. ISBN: 2811-1567
- Olufayo, O. O., Akinlade, O. O.,* Okparavero, O. O., and Irivboje, O. A. (2024). Blood profile and intestinal microbes of pullet chicken fed Phyllantus niruri leaf meal. Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences (FEPI-JOPAS), 6(1):17-22.
- Sangosina, M. I. and Akinlade, O. O.,* (2024). Effect of sex and environmental parameters on performance and physiology of rabbit. Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences (FEPI-JOPAS), (FEPI-JOPAS), 6(1):61-68.
- Okusanya, P. O., Akinlade, O. O.,* Jarikre, T. A. and Ockiya, M. A. (2023). Growth performance, gut histology and anticoccidial effect of aqueous blends of scent leaf, ginger and garlic in broiler chicks. Nigerian Veterinary Journal, 44(4):12-22. https://dx.doi.org/10.4314/njv.v44i4.2
- Okusanya, P. O., Akinlade, O. O.,* and Sangosina, M. I. (2022). Survey on prevalent diseases in commercial poultry farms in Yewa South Local Government, Ogun State. Nigeria Journal of Animal Production. 49 (1):115-123. https://njap.org.ng/index.php/njap/article/view/3409
- Okparavero, O. O., Coker, T. A. and Akinlade, O. O.* (2021). Reducing Air Pollution: A Risk Factor in Covid-19 Infection using Ornamental Plant as Phytoremediation. International Journal of Women in Technical Education and Employment (IJOWITED) 2 (2) 110 – 120. ISSN: 2811-1567. https://fpiwitedjournal.federalpolyilaro.edu.ng
- Akinlade, O. O., * Okusanya, P. O. and Okparavero, O. O. (2021). Effect of Aqueous Blend of Three Herbs on Haematobiochemical Indices of Broiler Chicken at Starter Phase. Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences (FEPI-JOPAS) 3 (2) 34 - 39. https://fepi-jopas.federalpolyilaro.edu.ng
- Akinola, A. O., Leramo, O. O. and Akinlade, O. O.* (2021). Performance characteristics of Goats fed supplemental cocoa seed testa-based diet. Nigeria Journal of Animal Production 48 (2) 162 – 166.
- Akinlade, O. O.* and Okusanya, P. O. (2020). Effect of Weather Parameters on Adaptability and Performance of Broiler Chicken reared during the Dry Season of North Central Nigeria. Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences (FEPI-JOPAS) 2 (1) 45 – 54. https://fepi-jopas.federalpolyilaro.edu.ng
- Olufayo, O. O., Akinlade, O. O.,* Sangosina, M. I., Okparavero, O. O. and Yusuff, K. O. (2024). Pasture and Forage Crops for Colleges (Vol 1). GA & A books, Lagos. ISBN: 978-978-789-997-7.
- Olufayo, O. O. and Akinlade, O. O.* (2022). Principles of Animal Production. GA & A books, Lagos. ISBN: 978-978-59562-7-6.
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Conferences Attended
- Akinlade, O. O.,* Okusanya, P. O. and Oparavero, O. O. (2024). Growth performance of broiler chicks on oral administration of Alligator pepper seed extracts. Proceedings of the Nigerian Society for Animal Production (NSAP) 49th Annual Conference. University of Ibadan, 2024. 257 – 260. From March 24th to 27th, 2024.
- Ajayi, F. E., Akinlade, O. O.,* and Ajayi, E. A. (2023). Haematological performance of weaner rabbits fed diets supplemented with garlic-composite leaves. In the book of abstract, 38th Annual Conference/Scientific Workshop, Oyo 2023With the Theme “Entrepreneurial Role of Science Laboratory Technology in Sustainable Development for National Growth, from 6th -10th November, 2023.
- Okusanya, P. O. and Akinlade, O. O.* (2023). Suitability of Spondia mombin as feed additive in chicken ration. Proceedings of the 6th National Conference of The School of Pure and Applied Science, The Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro, Ogun State. 3th-4th October, 2023.
- Okusanya, P. O. and Akinlade, O. O.* (2023). Effect of herbal mixtures on growth performance of broiler chicken. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference, The Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro, Nigeria in Collaboration with Takoradi Technical University, Takoradi, Ghana. 3rd – 7th September, 2023. University Auditorium, Takoradi Technical University, Takoradi.151-153
- Akinlade, O. O.,* Okusanya, P. O. and Leramo, O. O. (2023). Growth performance of broiler chicken on oral administration of Parquetina nigrescens extract. Proceedings of the Nigerian Society for Animal Production (NSAP) 48th Annual Conference. Dutsin-ma, 2023. 348 – 350.
- Obi, G. C., Akinlade, O. O.* and Okusanya, P. O. (2022). Effect of ethanol extract of herbs on occyst population of broiler chicken. Book of abstract of Women in Technical Education and Development (WITED) Nigeria 8th international conference (hybrid) and award ceremony, held at college hall, Yaba College of Technology, Yaba Lagos.
- Akinlade, O. O.* and Olufayo, O. O. (2022). Technical and vocational education and training in Nigeria: Challenges and Opportunity. Proceeding of the 3rd international conference, The Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro, 16th & 17th Aug, 2022. 697-701
- Olufayo, O. O. and Akinlade, O. O.* (2022). Enhancing sustainable food security in Nigeria through technical and vocational education and training. Proceeding of the 3rd international conference, The Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro, 16th & 17th Aug, 2022. 697-701
- Ajayi, F. E. and Akinlade, O. O*. (2022) Effect of Shea Butter Wood Charcoal on the Carcass Attributes of Broiler Chickens. ASUP Zone C 6th National Conference Book Of Abstracts Theme: The Position of Polytechnics, Monotechnics, and Specialized Institutions in Combating Skilled Manpower Shortage In Nigeria. Federal Polytechnic Ile-Oluji Ondo State. 19th – 22nd July 2022
- Okusanya, P. O. and Akinlade, O. O*. (2022). Effect of Aqueous blend of three herbs fed at different dosage on growth performance of broiler chickens. Proceedings of the Nigerian Society for Animal Production (NSAP) 47th Annual Conference. Jos 2022. 1179 – 1184.
- Okusanya, P. O., Akinola, A. O. and Akinlade, O. O.* (2021). Survey on prevalent diseases in pig farms in Yewa South Local Government, Ogun State. Proceedings of the 5th National Conference of The School of Pure and Applied Science, The Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro, Ogun State. 29-30th September, 2021. 231 – 237.
- Akinlade, O. O*. and Okusanya, P. O. (2021). Survey on prevalent disease in commercial poultry farms in Yewa-South Local Government, Ogun State. Proceedings of the Nigerian Society for Animal Production (NSAP) 46th Annual Conference – Dutsin-ma, 2021. 1061 – 1066.
- Okusanya, P. O. and Akinlade, O. O*. (2021). Effect of Aqueous extract of some herbs on growth performance of broiler chicken. Book of abstract of Maiden International conference on Veterinary and Biomedical sciences, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine University of Nigeria Nsukka. 10-12th March, 2021. 142.
- Lawanson A. A., Akinlade O. O.* and Obi G. C (2021). Antioxidants in animal production and reproduction-a review. Proceedings of the Nigerian Society for Animal Production (NSAP) 46th Annual Conference – Dutsin-ma, Kastina. 2021. 384 – 388.
- Akinlade, O. O*., Obi, G. C., and Lawanson, O. O. (2020). Moringa: A potential Substitute to antibiotics and dietary supplement in broiler production. A review. Proceedings of the Nigerian Society for Animal Production (NSAP) 45th Annual Conference – Bauchi 2020. 383-387.
- Akinlade, O. O*. and Okusanya, P. O. (2020). Economic impact of COVID-19: Opportunities in Broiler production for Nigerians, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference, (VIRTUAL), The Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro, 10th - 11th Nov., 2020. 119-123.
- Akinola, O. A., Leramo, O. O., and Akinlade, O. O.* (2020). Pig production as a panacea to animal protein shortage in Nigeria amidst a global pandemic (COVID-19). Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference, (VIRTUAL), The Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro, 10th - 11th Nov., 2020. 213 – 216.
- Obi, G. C., Lawanson, O. O. and Akinlade, O. O.* (2020). Potentials of Garlic as a Feed additive and alternative to antibiotics in poultry production, A review. Proceedings of 25th Annual Conference of ASAN 2020, Abuja, Nigeria. 76-78.
- Akinlade, O. O.* and Okusanya, P. O. (2019). Mortality pattern in zoo animals in south-west, Nigeria. Proceedings of the 4th National Development Conference of The School of Pure and Applied Science, The Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro, Ogun State. 2-5th December, 2019. 410-414.